Students at ESO year 2 can find here some interesting links for their project on the Albaycin.
-The Albaycín in Wikipedia (also in English).
-A short report in English at
-A brief history in Guías de Granada.
-Some advices from a chap in love with the Albaycin.
-A link to download a book of leyends about the Albaycin.
-A cultural trip along the streets of the Albaycin.
-Several maps: map one, map two, map three, map four.
-Finally, my favourite links, two books in pdf: A first book about the Albaycin including information about all its monuments, history, walls, aljibes, etc. You can download it and use a searcher to find the info you are looking for.
The second book tells you about the monuments and its leyends. Very interesting.
-Finally, my favourite links, two books in pdf: A first book about the Albaycin including information about all its monuments, history, walls, aljibes, etc. You can download it and use a searcher to find the info you are looking for.
The second book tells you about the monuments and its leyends. Very interesting.